Here's Everything You'll Get

  •  First Print Edition 55 Card Oracle Deck by Abbey Rose

  • Bonus #1 Lifetime Access to the Prosperity Portal

  • Bonus #2 Lifetime Access to Soul Streams Online Course

  • ​Plus: Special Entry to the Prosperity Portal Private Community


Are you ready to transcend to a realm of abundance and spiritual fulfillment?

Are you looking for guidance on your spiritual and personal journey, but don’t know where to turn?

If you’re nodding yes... then I would love to show you my new Priestess of Prosperity Oracle Deck, your new pathway to spiritual mastery, healing and abundance.

Hi, I’m Abbey Rose, they call me the Spiritual Accountant.

I’ve always carried a deep-seated passion for guiding others toward prosperity.

My journey began in the structured world of numbers and finances, where as an accountant, I dedicated myself to managing and improving the financial well-being of my clients.

Happy Clients Embrace Positive Transformations

What Others Are Saying About This Deck

But in 2018, everything shifted. I experienced a profound spiritual awakening that revealed a deeper calling within

me—a soul’s mission that transcended the confines of ledgers and balance sheets.

As I embraced this awakening, I realised that prosperity isn't just about building wealth in the physical realm; it's about a harmonious dance of emotional, spiritual, and cosmic abundance.

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for this kind of wealth—it’s a personal journey, unique to each soul’s path. Now, firmly rooted in my purpose, I am committed to offering tailored support and strategies that resonate with the individual paths of the people in my community. I strive to empower them to reach their highest potential by shedding the limitations of their 3D reality.

My passion for helping others in this quest for abundance has only deepened with time, and this Oracle Deck is my latest offering — a tool to guide you emotionally, spiritually, and cosmically.

It’s an invitation for you to step into the most prosperous version of yourself.

And, because I know how powerful this work can be, I’m offering you to own these cards, plus some life-changing bonuses…

For a limited time, with a 90% Discount

What’s In The Box?

The Priestess of Prosperity Oracle Deck is not just something beautiful to sit on your desk…

It is created to bring spiritual guidance and support you on your journey of ascension.

Laced with my Divine Wealth Code, each card serves as a guide for how to move forwards when you find yourself lost, struggling, or lacking the intuition that you need to thrive. Let the cards pinpoint exactly which part of yourself you need to uncover, and how to serve yourself to tap into the infinite wealth you’re seeking.I know that a lot of people struggle on their journey of spiritual and personal development.

I have too.

It can sometimes feel like… the more abundance and power you know is out there…

The further away it seems from where we are.And as that distance grows, we become disheartened and lose faith in the magic the universe can offer us.But here’s the truth we all know:

What you put out is what you attract.

And if our desire is to harness the magic of the universe… To guide us and bring us to the place of wealth, abundance and joy that we want to reach…

Then we need to first purify our own energy, so that reflects in the gifts we receive.

The Priestess of Prosperity oracle deck lets you access the Divine Wealth Code, to step into the best, most radiant version of yourself…

So that you can be guided on your path, ready to receive the limitless possibilities that you deserve.


The Prosperity Portal

When you purchase the Priestess of Prosperity Oracle Deck, you not only receive a transformative tool for unlocking your infinite potential, but also two sacred gifts to support your journey: the Cosmic Currency Activation Meditation and accompanying Journal Workbook.

The Activation Meditation, specifically channeled to align you with the powerful energies of Cosmic Currency, will guide you in clearing any blocks that hinder your self-worth and confidence.

By co-creating with the cosmos, you can begin to manifest the life of your dreams, and the Prosperity Portal gives you access to the Cosmic Currency Journal Workbook where you can record your experiences and insights as you work with the deck and activation.

Ultimately, my goal is for you to utilize these tools as frequently as you need to tap into your boundless potential and recognize the abundance that surrounds you every day. Join me in this empowering journey and unlock your true potential in the Prosperity Portal.

Yes! I’m Ready to Unlock My Prosperity Limited Time Offer - ACT FAST!

Because you're here, I know you're seeking more.

I know that you may have faced challenges, but with healing and guidance, your potential is limitless.

To truly ascend to a place of wealth, abundance, and joy… We need to first become our own guide and healer.

The Priestess of Prosperity deck allows you to harness the Diving Wealth Code and realise the beauty of your own journey.

Will you take the first step?

I Created This Deck For You…

and This is Your Moment.

Your Opportunity to Heal And Tap Into Infinite Divine Wealth Is Here...

  • ​Priestess of Prosperity Oracle Deck Regular Price: $97
  • Special Offer: Only $80 Today (20% Off)
  • ​Bonus #1 Lifetime Access to the Prosperity Portal (Worth $888 😱)
  • ​Bonus #2 Lifetime Access to Soul Streams Online Course (Worth $897 🤯)
  • ​Plus: Special Entry to the Prosperity Portal Private Community

Don't Miss Out! Secure Your Oracle Deck and Bonus Courses Now!

Abbey Rose’s Oracle Deck and access to the Prosperity Portal can be the turning point you’ve been searching for…

Don't Miss Out! Secure Your Oracle Deck and Bonus Courses Now! Abbey Rose’s Oracle Deck and access to the Prosperity Portal can be the turning point you’ve been searching for…

Will you step through the portal to a brighter future?

Your journey of healing, ascension and spiritual mastery is just a click away...

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